Thursday, August 18, 2011

Belated....but still Happy!!

This last week I was up at my Mom's and I was able to upload some of her pictures that she has taken. During Benson and Julia's birthday parties this year I was not able to take many pictures since I was in charge of the party. Here are some pictures that she took:
This was a neat little toy. It is an electronic bug....very cool! Whenever we go to the library Benson chooses to check out books about Bugs!
At Benson's birthday party we had a super hero Olympics!
Batman himself even showed up for the festivities!
The Joker stole the pinata and we needed to follow the clues he left to find it!
There was plenty of candy for all!

My seven year old!!
Julia smiling at Benson's birthday party!

Julia's turned 6 on July 13th, and here are some pictures from Julia's birthday party:
This is a cute coloring from Grandma!
My parents surprised Ben and I for our birthdays, which are the same week as Julia's! They gave us an outdoor swing and an umbrella.
During Julia's birthday party the girls loved jumping in the my parents jump house.
What a great smile CC!
We played a princess matching game.
The girls loved the freeze dance game!
Benson sitting by all of Julia's presents.
Happy birthday Julia!
The girls colored life size princess coloring cut outs while we painted their nails.
We went on a treasure hunt to find Cinderella.

We able to fill the pinata quite full....

Happy Birthday Julia!! I can hardly believe she is 6!

1 comment:

Kelly Beckstead said...

You always do such fun birthday parties Charity! It looks like everyone had a ton of fun.