Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kid's Day!!

Every year just after school starts the Price Kiwanis club has a huge-o party for all the kids in town! Here are some pictures from this years festivities:
The awesome glasses Julia won at the fishing pond!
All of my kiddos together!
Benson was happy about the snake he got at the fishing pond.
She just received a pair of groovy sunglasses from the fishing pond!
He is running off to get back into line!
CC had a great time!
Julia coming off of a slide!
In this picture the clown is making the kid's balloons!
Julia wanted a dog.
Benson wanted a dog bone for Julia's dog!
Cecilia had a flower.


Ross, Amanda, and Sons said...

It seems like Price seriously has a ton of activities to do with kids. They seem very family friendly. Julia's "Shades" are cool! My 14 year old neice bought some like that and she wears them all the time. I guess they are "in" right now. Cute pictures, your kids always look so cute and NEAT. I always fix Hudson's hair but by then time we get anywhere or do anything it is all messed up and looks like bed hair. ... Maybe we need to use more gel.

Moores said...

They do seem to have quite a few fun things for kids around here. I am not sure why...but my kids like it! I did not realize that Julia was in with the new style!