Friday, February 27, 2009

Feeding Time at the Mueseum

Above are some cute pictures of the kids together!
Benson really wanted to color a dinosaur picture.
Julia loves to smile for the camera!
Cecilia...the paleontologist!
This is the bigger lizard...who loves goldfish!
Here is one of the lizards eating a little snack!
Here is a picture of the alligator at the Price Dinosaur Mueseum eating a mouse!
They put the mouse in the water, and the little mouse swam like a fish in the water! Then the alligator stalked it till.... The guy running it said it was like watching a National Geographic show!


Ross, Amanda, and Sons said...

Your kids are all so cute! I especially like the one of Cecilia being a little paleontologist! Looks like fun! I'd like to take Hudson someday.

Brittney said...

Looks like you had a good time! I love museums in the winter- aren't they great! Just love seeing pics of your kids!

Valerie said...

Julia's curls are adorable. I love how your kids seem to be such good friends.

Mandi said...

Yikes, I think my kids would have been traumatized watching the alligator eat the mouse. We haven't been since they added these new little creatures, I guess I need to be more on the ball and go.

Pistolmom said...
LDS view

Moores said...

LOL! Yeah, I thought that my kids would possibly be a little traumatized by the alligator too, but they all thought it was pretty interesting! :)