Saturday, February 27, 2010

Proud Mom!

Julia participated in her first gymnastics competition today! I was so proud of her! As I watched her, it made me wonder where my little baby went! She looked like such a big girl out there on the gym floor! Here she is warming up!
She visiting with some girls while they wait for their turn to compete!

One of her passes had three front rolls in a row in it. She did a really good job of not touching her hands to the ground!

She was third place!
For some reason, when I saw her standing there, it made me want to cry!


Ross, Amanda, and Sons said...

Oh, wow! When did she grow up! That video was cool! Tell her congratulations! Reading about you wanting to cry when she was on the podium made me want to cry (what can I say, I'm pregnant!).

Erica said...

Wow! I'm impressed! Julia is a very good little gymnist! How cute--I probably would have started crying too!

Moores said...

Lol! When I am pregnant I cry a ton! Even commercials on tv make me cry!

Unknown said...

Good job Julia!! What a big girl she is getting to be! I can't believe it!