Sunday, November 15, 2009

I am thankful for:

I know it is cheezy, but lately I really have been thinking about how blessed I am. I am very grateful for many things! Here are a few:

Cecilia's dry underwear...because they are not always that way!
my husband's muscles!
the Internet, I find so many useful ideas on here!
Julia's sweet smile!
Cecilia's little smooches that I get many times a day!
Benson's kindness to everyone in our family!
those rare mornings when I get to sleep in!
a dishwasher that is running....
helping hands.
clean clothes, that are actually put away!
not having a pet!
clearance prices!
back massages.....
good friends that make me laugh!
my hunny's job.
the smell of my kids clean hair, as opposed to their dirty hair...
my cozy bed, which I really would prefer to be in right now!
a good bear hug....butterfly kiss....and wet peck on the lips!
the freedom of self expression!
spicy food....the burn is very good!
warm sunshine first thing in the morning.
getting a job crossed off the to do list!
a small hand to hold.

Here were a few things that I am thankful for, but there are so many other things! We are all so blessed!


Ross, Amanda, and Sons said...

Ditto! Great list! I'm thankful too!

Valerie said...

Aww, your list makes me think three things: (1) I miss Charity, (2) What a great thing to focus on right now (gratitude), and (3) I miss Charity.

Hurry up, December!

Moores said...

You guys are so sweet! I hope to see you both soon! :)