Saturday, April 25, 2009

Benson's First Science Experiment!

Yesterday, when Benson came home from preschool, he was very excited! He continously talked about the "science experiment" that they performed preschool that day! They made a baking soda and vinegar volcano. After he told me about it, I left the room to finish doing my hair. When I came back he had already set up most of the experiment himself. He wanted to show his sisters!


Micah said...

That is seriously so cute! I used to love that experiment as well! I just love that he wanted to show his sisters- what a good big brother!

Brittney said...

sorry that last comment was me brittney I didn't realize I was signed in under my husbands account!

Moores said...

LOL Brittney! That same thing happened to Amanda recently too! :)

The Bryner's said...

I can't believe how big Benson is! What a beautiful family! Wish we could fins a time to meet up someday! Maybe this summer??? I sure miss ya!
Love ya!

Valerie said...

I've always been impressed by what a good big brother Benson is. He's just a really thoughtful boy in general! We love you, Benson, and miss you.